Sehari dua ni aku sangat2 emosional. Kenapa ek? PMS ker? Entah ler... Aku pun tak tau kenapa... Cuma lately tidur aku sering dihantui oleh mimpi2 tentang seseorang. Penat ler camni... I thought I was over him already... 

Aku pun tak nak tulis panjang2 tentang ni, sebab aku sendiri tak pasti. Why am I dreaming of him every single night for the past 5 nights? I, myself am confused about this. So I'm going to ignore those dreams... 

But can I???

6 fren(s) of disturbia:

  1. D,

    if it's a wonderful dream, i'd wait for it every nite... for me, if i can't have him in the real, i don't mind having him only in my dreams...

    hehe.. that's me lah! i know people think i'm a bit strange,sometimes, but well, why not if it's something wonderful.

    jgn mimpi ngeri, dahlah!! hehe

  2. hi teesh,

    those dreams were wonderful ones... but still it is painful when u woke up and found out, those were just dreams....


  3. kak,
    musti mimpi psl mamat tu ek..alahai. xpe kak. go with the flow aje. :)

  4. ween..

    memang mimpi pasal dia pun.. naper ek... selama ni rasa cam perasaan dah okay jer... entah ler.... huhhuuhu

  5. rindu,kot (?)

  6. nik awin...

    takleh le nak rindu dia . sebab dia tak nak kita pun... :(