My dear blog...
Kali aku just nak citer apa yang aku buat pada hari Jumaat lalu. Nothing much actually. As usual on Friday kat skolah ada aktiviti koko. So aku in- charge for English Language Society this week. Knowing me, aku memang tak suka sgt wat aktiviti in classroom. So aku pesan ngan the pupils to bring a pair of scissors and a bottle of glue each. Aku decide nak wat activity kat dewan terbuka le... much easier and comfortable for the activity.
So guess apa yang aku decide untuk wat.... Tada.... just look at the pics and guess
Aku ajak budak2 tu wat aktiviti NIE or nama panjangnya Newspaper in Education ... Senang je.. aku divide the pupils into groups and then asked them to find some nouns in the newspaper. Then, they have to cut the nouns and paste them on a piece of drawing block. The group with the most number of nouns and a creative way of pasting them, will be the winner... Senang kan keje aku... and while waiting for them to finish their work .. aku baca novel le .. apa lagi... hehehehhe
Abis je aktiviti koko, aku n a few frens decided to go to the seaside. Skarang tempat tu dah jadi my favourite place. Kenapa ek? Maybe sebab tempat tu sesuai kot ngan aku yg berjiwa romantik ni... and maybe sebab that guy penah bawa aku p situ kot... entah ler....
Apa pun, aku rasa tenang sgt dapat pegi situ. Suasana kat situ cukup sesuai ngan keadaan jiwa aku skarang ni. Kalau boleh everyday aku nak pegi sini. Tapi karang parents aku bising plak. Apahal aku asyik pegi sana je.
Here are some pics yg aku snap petang tu dgn handphone aku. So the pics quality are not so good. But still the view is amazing and peaceful.I really love this place... I don;t know why but I just do...
The sea was so calm that evening.... and I wish that my heart was like that too...
My frens and I lepak kat atas batu2 ni ler .... Please ignore the foot ... but that's not mine yer... hehehheheh
The first time I went to this place, I had a drink with that guy kat pondok tu le...
Petang tu ada something else yg terjadi but that's another story for another time... at the moment let me keep it as a treasured memory.
Apa yg pasti, petang tu aku sampai umah waktu azan Maghrib. Luckily, my parents tak bising. Alhamdulillah. Dan aku rasa tenang untuk seketika pada hari itu. Hopefully, hati aku akan terus tenang cam air laut petang itu.
Till then, bubye......
Posted in: my heart on Sunday, February 8, 2009 at at 9:01:00 PM
dulu ms sek, suka sangat kalo wat xtvt tampal2 ni. cikgu BI dayah dlu pun ada ajor guna cara ni. Best! :)
eh, sek dekat ngan pantai ea? best giler!
ohh cikgu rupanyer si disturbia ni. nk tanya satu soklan, klu anak murid disturb kat kelas, apa yek tindakan cikgu disturbia? hehehe
bestnya lepak pantai..mana tu???
Cikgu Disturbia,
ajar student jadi kreatif in good ways. lately ni ramai student yg creatif in bad ways.
Cikgu Dayah
yup.. dekat gak le ngan area pantai...
memang best kalau petang2 dapat lepak kat situ..
heheheh .. anak murid tak berani nak disturb ler.. sebab Teacher Disturbia ni garang ....
Nama dia Ban Pecah.. pantai ni penah masuk Majalah 3. Terkenal ngan gerai Kari Sembilang...
Kak Yanti
Insyaallah... Memang agak merisaukan ek.. bila anak didik creative in bad ways nie...